NDTitans (www.ndtitans.com) is an international group of highly specialized, skilled and dedicated engineers, scientists and companies with many years of structural engineering and nondestructive testing experience related to all aspects of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. The NDTitans are from Denmark, Finland, Poland, Greece, Ireland, India, Mexico, USA and Canada.
The group is driven by a culture of collaboration and entrepreneurial spirit, internally and in relation to clients.
This international group offers educational workshops related to concrete science and advanced methods for evaluation of concrete structures.
The group also offers training in and implementation of the test systems, professional testing services, professional advices and on-line discussions, worldwide.
GEOTEST is proud to be part of this international group, with two important and highly skilled engineers.

Nikos Zoides
Mr. Nikos Zoides, CEO of GEOTEST S.A. is a member of NDTitans, as he has more than 10 years of on-site testing experience with several Non-Destructive Tests.
He has also been involved with integrity and corrosion evaluation of bridge decks, inspections of bridges and and in assessing the condition of tendons on prestressed bridges with ultrasound tomography and Impact echo method.
Also, he has participated in the 1st International Workshop on NDT at GERMANN INSTRUMENTS in Copenhagen and he has organized two highly successful international NDT workshops in Greece in Ioannina 2016 and Athens 2019.

Anastasios Gkotzamanis
MSc Civil Engineer at GEOTEST S.A.
Another member of NDTitans, is Mr. Anastasios Gkotzamanis, MSc Civil Engineer at GEOTEST S.A. that has 10 years of professional experience in the field of civil engineering and Non-Destructive testing of concrete structures.
He is a specialist in bridge inspections and in assessing the condition of tendons on prestressed bridges with ultrasound tomography and Impact echo method.
Also using drones for visual inspection of structures (bridges, wind turbines. Finally, he is fully trained in seismic engineering of structures and in project management.