Visual inspection of structures is the first step to record and recognize any observed defects and finally propose a repair plan or further NDT investigation testing program.
GEOTEST’s team can undertake the visual inspection of your structures and ensure that all defects and their attributes are clearly recorded and presented in digital form.
Also, suggestions and recommendations can be provided to your engineering department in order to organize efficiently the repair program of the defects.
Nowadays existing structures such as bridges, tunnels and buildings have almost reached their service life. Also, modern motorways are consisted of a significant number of bridges, tunnels and retaining walls. These structures due to environmental effects (carbonation of concrete, chloride ion attack etc) and imposed service load actions present several defects such as cracking, spalling, corrosion of steel rebars, honeycombing etc. Detection of defects is critical in terms of safety and management of repairs needed during the lifetime of a structure.
GEOTEST’s engineering team has carried out the last 8 years a significant number (over 150) of visual inspections in structures (mainly bridges & tunnels) of different construction periods. In general, visual inspection is performed by almost “touching” the structural elements while recording the defects observed in a digital or a conventional way. Also, several characteristic photos of the defects are taken in order to be attached into the final report. Finally, all defects are rated according to a specified rating system so as to extract the overall rating of the structure. Overall rating of each structure will guide engineering department to further actions if needed. Also, according to our extended experience, special suggestions and recommendations are provided in refer to the repair strategy that our client should follow.
MATI Software
Geotest has recently developed the MA.T.I. ® (Management of Transport Infrastructure) software where all the aforementioned are already incorporated in a holistic way. All structures are georeferenced and divided into smaller parts (structural components of a tree structure). Also, if digital drawings exist, then each structural member is associated to the corresponding drawing. By this means, each defect can be recorded immediately into the drawing, be photographed and rated automatically according to the attributes of each defect. As a result, time of reporting is almost diminished.
Inspection in Rough Terrains – Areas
These years, drones have provided a useful tool of inspection of structures where access is almost impossible by other means. GEOTEST has three (3) certified pilots and three (3) modern drones (Matrice 210RTK, Mavic 2 zoom & 3DR Solo) and is capable of providing inspection of structural elements in low cost in comparison to traditional inspection methods where access by a crane or an underside platform will be needed.

Our main References Projects
- Evripos, Chalkida, Greece, cable stayed bridge inspection
- Visual and special inspection in Immersed Preveza – Aktio, Greece Tunnel
- Inspection of 100 bridges of Olympia Odos, Greece
- Inspection in Panagopoula, Greece Tunnel (4km)